Linggo, Mayo 6, 2012

Silly Things Women Do When They Hookup with Guys

We all make sacrifices for love, and even women do it when they hookup with guys. So which of you girls are guilty of doing any of these?
  •  Getting a Brazilian Wax
So which part of using-hot-wax-to-tear-out-all-those-little-hairs-out-of-the-vajayjay sounds like a terrific idea? Going through a painful session of a Brazilian wax treatment is nothing short of cruel and unusual punishment, yet a lot of women voluntarily subject themselves to this kind of torture when they hookup with guys because then know how men love the bare look.
  •  Running Water When You Pee
It is just embarrassing, but girls turn the faucet on because, heaven forbid, their men hear their streams hit the toilet bowl water. I know it totally makes no sense to try and pretend girls don’t do all the normal things guys do in the bathroom, but they cover their tracks anyway.
  •  Killing Yourself in Spin Class
Yes, we all know that endorphin-pumping exercise rocks, but honestly, if the world was made up of purely women, would a 60-minute, 500-calorie, sweat-and-pain-fest exist? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
  •  Wearing Five-Inch Heels
Admittedly, girls love to strut their stuff in sexy sky-high heels. But after walking around in them for a couple of hours, those stilettos can betray them big time. Yes, it’s easy to change into those ingenious fold-up ballet flats tucked in your clutch, but then he might discover that your legs don’t go on forever.
  •  Buying Gifts for His Relatives
Your man may forget his mom’s birthday, but of course you don’t, which makes you responsible for making sure she gets a present. Have you even heard a guy complain of much Christmas shopping he has to do? I thought so. Women take charge of gift shopping because they just can’t trust that their guys can get it done.
  •  Spending a Night at His Place, in the Middle of Nowhere,  on a Weekday
When girls hookup with guys overnight, he only other thing that’s worse than getting ready for work is having to stuff just the bare essentials in an overnight bag. You don’t have your favorite hairdryer, no variety of outfits to choose from, and no shoe versus boot choices. Boo.
  •  Faking It
It’s terribly wrong, but whether you needed more foreplay or just weren’t in the mood, women often fake orgasms. They usually fake it than risk hurting their man’s feelings or cause awkwardness. Yes, girls should be getting off, but when they can’t, they sometimes try to indulge their inner drama queens and put on a nice performance.

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